Importance of Dehumidifiers

June 12, 2020

If you live in a humid climate, a dehumidifier has an important role in providing you with indoor comfort. Humidity is moisture in the air. The bigger the concentration of water in the air, the higher the humidity levels. Combine high outdoor temperatures with high humidity and the atmosphere can feel sticky and suffocating. When your indoor air becomes humid, life inside can become unbearable. What Is a Dehumidifier? A dehumidifier is a device designed to remove moisture from the air. This type of appliance helps to regulate comfortable levels of humidity. No humidity or low humidity levels can be...

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What Does An AC Compressor Do?

May 10, 2020

The compressor is among the most critical components of your home’s air conditioning system. It not only plays an essential role in cooling down your home, but it also helps to ensure that the AC unit works continuously and effectively to keep your house cool all summer long. To understand how an AC compressor works, it is important to know where it is located and how it functions. It’s also good to know about potential problems as well as its maintenance and repair requirements. Having a good understanding of what an AC compressor does and its requirements will help to...

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How Often Should I Have My Indoor Air Quality Tested?

April 15, 2020

Since we spend the majority of our time inside, the quality of our air is extremely important. In many homes, indoor air is actually more polluted than outdoor air due to the presence of mold, dust, VOCs, and other chemicals. The first step to addressing this problem is checking your indoor air and finding out which pollutants are in your home. How often do you need to test indoor air? The answer to this question depends on several factors. When to Get Your Initial Test You should always prepare to get a complete panel of tests done when you move...

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Problems Caused by an Oversized Air Conditioner

April 15, 2020

Air conditioners must fit a home and not the other way around. If the air conditioner is too small, then reaching the desired temperature becomes difficult. What happens when the air conditioner is too big for a house, though? Don’t think an oversized air conditioner brings no problems. It brings several, which is why homeowners must size AC units properly. The Unit Could Wear Out Quicker One problem with an oversized air conditioner might not seem like a problem at all. The AC cools the house so quickly that the system shuts off fast. Don’t think the result is preferable....

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What’s Causing Your Indoor Air Pollution?

March 19, 2020

At , we know that the residents of Beaumont want their homes to be clean and comfortable. We work hard to give our customers a consistent indoor climate throughout the year. However, many homeowners pay more attention to the temperature of their air than its quality. Your indoor air can be contaminated by several types of pollutants and irritants. Signs of Poor Air Quality When something is floating in your air, you and your family members are breathing it in. At high enough levels, indoor air pollution will have negative effects on your health and well-being. The most common signs...

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How AC and Heating Maintenance Saves You Money

March 17, 2020

No matter how old your comfort unit is, you may be able to save money by having it maintained on a regular (annual or biannual) basis. Besides keeping your manufacturer warranty on the unit valid, maintenance comes with a host of financial benefits. They include: Lower Utility Bills First of all, the basic tasks that go into a maintenance visit can keep your system running smoothly and energy efficiently, which means energy savings. For example, our technicians at can replace the air filters for customers in Beaumont, TX. Without this, your system will strain to reach your set temperature because...

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How To Reduce Your Heating Bill In The Winter

February 20, 2020

As the cold Beaumont winter sets in, you don’t want to deal with a cold house. So, you kick on the furnace and enjoy the convenience of central heating. Unfortunately, all this convenience comes at a cost when you receive a heating bill that’s higher than you expected. Rather than sitting in the cold all winter, there are steps you can take to reduce your heating bill and keep your home comfortable. Here are a few to consider: 1. Close Some Vents Though central heating is convenient, it can also be wasteful. If there are rooms in your home that...

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HVAC Troubleshooting Tips

February 10, 2020

An efficient HVAC system improves your home’s air quality and maintains its comfort level. When your system isn’t working properly, rooms can become uncomfortable and stuffy. Dealing with a broken HVAC system can be frustrating. However, there are things you can do to isolate the issue. Here are a few HVAC troubleshooting tips you can try today. HVAC Ignition Problems If your HVAC system doesn’t start, there may be a problem with the ignition components. This includes ignitors and pilot lights. It’s not unusual for pilot lights in gas furnaces to go out without warning. Check Your Thermostat Look at...

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Why is Energy Efficiency Important?

January 20, 2020

The energy efficiency of an HVAC system is measured by the amount of energy it takes to produce a certain amount of warm or cold air. When you want to keep your home at a comfortable temperature in the winter or summer, it’ll take a certain amount of warm or cold air. An energy-efficient HVAC system can minimize the energy it takes and lowers your heating and cooling bills. Newer HVAC systems have a higher level of energy efficiency and can be considered a great investment in your home. Up-Front Vs Long-Term Costs Often times, energy-efficient appliances cost more than...

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Why Is My Heater Leaking Water?

January 10, 2020

If you have found out that your heater is leaking water, take action. Finding water around the heater can indicate that there is a problem that could lead to a dangerous malfunction of the unit. In this situation, you are encouraged to have an HVAC professional inspect the situation. A thorough inspection by a professional can result in the identification of the problem as well as effective repairs. Here are some things to keep in mind about a heater that is leaking water. What Type of Heater Do You Have? An HVAC professional will narrow down the issue when he...

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