7 Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality this Winter

November 20, 2021

Winter provides many excellent opportunities for you to unwind and spend time with friends and family in Beaumont, but it also brings its share of challenges. One of the favorite indoor activities this time of year is to gather around the fireplace. But unfortunately, fireplaces can emit some nasty pollutants into your home environment. During this season, you can suffer from dry indoor air, which leads to a greater risk of illness such as the flu and asthma attacks. Dry indoor air can also make your skin itchier and your lips more dehydrated than usual. Therefore, you need to understand...

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Signs Of Poor Indoor Air Quality

February 11, 2021

Every homeowner strives to have a comfortable space inside the house. You need to control your indoor air quality to have a comfortable home and protect your family’s health. To help you maintain a comfortable space at home, here are signs that your indoor air quality needs work. Dust Buildup You can notice dust buildup on surfaces around the house and the air vents. It is an indication that your indoor air is full of pollutants that are settling all over surfaces. Besides dust, you may need to get rid of other allergens from your house. It is wise to...

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Benefits of Air Purifiers

August 1, 2020

Most of us tend to spend more time indoors. Yet enclosed spaces can have an impact on your comfort and safety. If the air quality is poor, it can trigger health problems, and contaminants can ruin some of your appliances. Here are some reasons you may want to acquire an air purifier for your home. Prevent the Buildup of Dust Your indoor space can have up to five times the contaminants in the outdoor air. No matter how much you clean your home, dust is always bound to accumulate. In residential homes, it is often a result of human activities...

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The Pros and Cons of Humidity Control

July 12, 2020

HVAC systems do more than just keep your house cool or warm. They also play a very big role in adjusting your indoor humidity levels. Typically, air conditioners and heaters will reduce humidity, but you can also get special systems that add back humidity as needed. Understanding the potential benefits and disadvantages of low humidity can help you find the right humidity levels for your house. Pro: Lower Humidity Reduces Mold Growth One of the most important reasons to keep humidity levels low is to inhibit mold growth. Molds, fungi, and bacteria all flourish in damp environments. A humidity level...

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Importance of Dehumidifiers

June 12, 2020

If you live in a humid climate, a dehumidifier has an important role in providing you with indoor comfort. Humidity is moisture in the air. The bigger the concentration of water in the air, the higher the humidity levels. Combine high outdoor temperatures with high humidity and the atmosphere can feel sticky and suffocating. When your indoor air becomes humid, life inside can become unbearable. What Is a Dehumidifier? A dehumidifier is a device designed to remove moisture from the air. This type of appliance helps to regulate comfortable levels of humidity. No humidity or low humidity levels can be...

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How Often Should I Have My Indoor Air Quality Tested?

April 15, 2020

Since we spend the majority of our time inside, the quality of our air is extremely important. In many homes, indoor air is actually more polluted than outdoor air due to the presence of mold, dust, VOCs, and other chemicals. The first step to addressing this problem is checking your indoor air and finding out which pollutants are in your home. How often do you need to test indoor air? The answer to this question depends on several factors. When to Get Your Initial Test You should always prepare to get a complete panel of tests done when you move...

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What’s Causing Your Indoor Air Pollution?

March 19, 2020

At , we know that the residents of Beaumont want their homes to be clean and comfortable. We work hard to give our customers a consistent indoor climate throughout the year. However, many homeowners pay more attention to the temperature of their air than its quality. Your indoor air can be contaminated by several types of pollutants and irritants. Signs of Poor Air Quality When something is floating in your air, you and your family members are breathing it in. At high enough levels, indoor air pollution will have negative effects on your health and well-being. The most common signs...

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Controlling Static Electricity at Home

April 20, 2019

When static electricity builds up in a home, getting shocked can occur more frequently than you’d like. In addition, your hair might get frizzy, and your skin could suffer in a dry environment. Thankfully, there are simple solutions to address the problem. Add Moisture to the Air The basic idea behind fighting static electricity is to add moisture. When the air is more humid, the static electricity will naturally decrease. This is because water molecules can attach themselves to various surfaces, interfering with the process of electrical buildup. Humidifiers can be used to combat dry air. There are a variety...

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How to Find Costly Air Leaks in Your Home

April 10, 2019

If you feel a draft in your home when all your doors and windows are shut, you probably have an air leak. Cracks and openings on your walls and floorboards can let the conditioned air you pay for escape, carrying your hard-earned dollars with it. Keep reading to learn how to find and seal these leaks, helping you keep more money in your pocket. Look Around Your Structure Many leaks can be large enough to see or easily feel, so walk around the inside of your home and look closely at any area through which air may be leaking out....

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Beating the Winter Air Quality Woes

February 21, 2019

The air quality in your home can suffer greatly in the winter months. In order for your heating system to function at its best, you seal your home and limit the amount of fresh air that can get inside. This leads to dust, allergens, and irritants building up in the air of your home. Winter air is also dry air, which can lead to dry, itchy skin and a scratchy throat. Here are some tips on how to improve your home’s air quality in the winter months. Crack Open a Window In the warmest part of the day, open a...

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